Gift from Overseas

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If you would like to support With Jesus Movement from overseas, you can give one-time or recurring Gift using credit card or Paypal account.

Recurring Gift

A recurring gift is an ongoing, specific gift amount determined by a donor that is charged monthly to a donor’s credit card.


One-Time Gift

One-time Gift will be paid once. WJM is grateful for any donation and we will always use it faithfully.


Where is it used?

There are many callings from churches in Korea as well as
in overseas looking for a joyful walk with Christ at all times.

Education and Training of With Jesus Movement

We hold With Jesus Seminar about four times a year for pastors from Korea and overseas. With Jesus Ministry also hosts mini-seminars and lectures for churches asking for education & training for its members.

Translation and Publishing of With Jesus Movement Books

‘People belong to Jesus’ and ‘With Jesus Journal’ and several other books were translated into 10 languages and it is currently translating into 2 more languages.

However, because of the financial burden of publishing, only few were published while the need for those books from other language group mounts day by day.

Web & App Service of With Jesus Journal

Every month, we have 1,500 new members joining to With Jesus Journal service. Currently as September of 2019, WJM is managing journal data of approximately 100,000 members.

In order to provide stable service to its members, system maintenance and management should be performed constantly.

Domestic and Overseas Network of Churches

The With Jesus Ministry continues being in partnership with 30+ churches from Korea and outside of Korea.

With Jesus Journal has been building online network in about 170 countries around the world through the small groups.